Saturday, 30 April 2011

post 12.1

The genre of the film is crime and we used all of the micro elements and the convetions set up by previous films to create this.

Style of presentation
Within the operning sequence we used alot of close ups on faces and legs. this was to give a clostrophobic feel to our peace and hopfully to get an audience ingaged. The film is in 4:3 where as it should conventionaly be in 16:9. this is an error that we made during shooting, that if we had more time or made a new film we would learn from.

Style/colour of font
The style of the titles sticks to the crime gnere convention and uses simple white typography on a black backgroung. This slick way of presenting the titles mirrors the suites and lifes of the crimminals.

Narrative enigma

The main enigma of our operning scene that will get people intrested is the reason why there running. During the whole operning we never find out the names 0of the people or why they are running. This unsureity of name and character motive is very common not only in the crime genre but in most genres of film today.

Introduction of characters
In our opperning we only had two characters. We started by only showing one of them ruuning (Nick) away from somthing befor showing the other character. This will hopfully set up an air of mystery to what the film is about, a common element used in the crime genre.

As the majority of the film was shots of a chase seen, we used alot of diffret camera angles. One of the most difficalt shots we wanted was a tracking shot, which we managed to get by sitting on a skate board. this shot can be seen in many privious films such as the running in the opering of Trainspotting and the circerling arond the table in Resivior dogs.

Editing & Sound
The film uses fast pace editing with an equally fast sound track to create an tense atmosphere. This sets the mood for the opering and lets the audience feel the fear of the main character from the get go. this sticks to the conventions of a crime film as opens with a fast pace action scene, as seen in such films as Trainspotting.

Special Effects
We didnt use and sepecial effects in the conventunial sence of the word, other than the editing, sticking to the realsitic look of privious crime films from around the world.


We had our chararctes wear suites sticking to the conventions of old and new films with the same genre. We also had our actors use prop guns, anouther well astablished and recconised genre convention.

post 12a

Audience feedback on rough cut.

After looking at the Rough cut, the audience said they liked the suspense at the end of the title sequence, and finding out "who killed who" and the fact that the end of the film was the title sequence, the audience didn't like the shaky camera angles of the tracking shot and felt
the opening sequence could have given off a much clear effect if the camera was
smooth. Overall the audience felt that the idea was very inventive and would
defianetly capture the audience however if we had better resources the idea
could have been more of a success

post 11

Our Final Opening Sequence

Due to some compression problems on you tube the audio was out of sync with the video for our final film. Once this problem has been rectified our media teacher will send the examiner a copy. Thank you for your understanding.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

post 10

To start off the editing we had to set up a new Adobe Premiere Pro Project and log all of our raw footage, then as a group we set up a word document to log our rushes, we presented this piece of work as a table which consisted of the INT and OUT code, the scene and shot numbers and how many takes this took us with a last column showing which scenes would be used. Underneath is our groups logging rushes table:

Next we had to batch capture, only the footage that we wanted, and create a rough cut of our film before we showed it to the focus group, this meant that the group had to cut the shots so they would fit together and run smothely, this included the continuity issues of the feet because in our project it consists of a lot of running and we needed to make sure the continuity ran smoothly. After a rough cut had been put together and played back to make sure it flowed correctly, we then had to find a soundtrack to play above the music, as a group it took us a reasonably long time to do, because as a group we all had different ideas as to what sort of music we wanted, after spending a lot more time than we originally wanted to picking music, we found a track called Ghostocolypse from an uncopywrite internet site called, which fitted our piece really well. Initially we were going to cut out all the background noise and just have the music and sound affects, but after watching the piece through we felt that we needed to keep some non digetic, because otherwise the piece sounded in some ways 'artificial' and looked more like a music video.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

post 9

Production Report

The filming process took a total of nearly 2 hours, and consisted of the group collecting the equipment, walking down to the location, filming all the scenes and then returning the equipment back to the teacher with the tape we recorded on.

The filming process was reasonably easy and quick due to the fact that we practiced how to do the tracking shot and bought all pre production work to the location with us including the shot list to help us remember all the shots we had to shoot and in which order so we didn't miss anything out, however as a group we didn't stick to the shot list because we found perfect opportunities to add in our own shots that we felt reflected our genre better. We also felt the more shots we had in our project, the easier it would be when coming to edit, because this way we wouldn't need to re-shoot.

However as a group we did also have minor problems as there was a lot of traffic near the end of the school day from parents picking up their children from the primary and secondary school and children walking home, walking into our set and making noise, which did mean it was hard to shoot some scenes as we had to let the cars and peolpe pass. Also we did start shooting quite late due to the fact that we found it difficult to schedule the shooting when both teachers and all of our group were free and when working this out before shooting we didn't take into consideration that one of the teachers was on duty at lunch and couldn't come down to the location on time.

The group, throughout the task have worked well effectively and worked together as a team, during the post production we handled the tasks by splitting the tasks neading to be done and then coming together as a group and improving them to make them better, we started off aiming to do this routine in the production stage and originally set tasks for each other to complete but when coming to the production stage we felt that these tasks weren't suited for that person and we ended up switching roles so our strengths would be shown in the production.

Once we had looked at the raw unedited footage we had filmed we were pleased with what we had done, however some of the tracking shots started off well but near the end turned to an angle, this was due to the lack of and money equipment the school could provide, so as a group we decided that as an alternative the best option was for one of the crew to sit on a skateboard with the camera and two of the other crew members to push and pull him with a piece of rope, before actually filming the piece we practiced this and at the time seemed the best option, but as a group the outcome of the shot wasn't great but was the best option, without the right equipment.

Overall i think the production was a success due to careful planning and learning from our previous mistakes in the preliminary task, this also helped because we had changed groups from the preliminary task we all had different mistakes from the last time, giving us more to be aware of for this product. If we could change anything i feel we would have better equepment to gain some shots but as this was down to money problems i feel we did alright.