The genre of the film is crime and we used all of the micro elements and the convetions set up by previous films to create this.
Style of presentation
Within the operning sequence we used alot of close ups on faces and legs. this was to give a clostrophobic feel to our peace and hopfully to get an audience ingaged. The film is in 4:3 where as it should conventionaly be in 16:9. this is an error that we made during shooting, that if we had more time or made a new film we would learn from.
Style/colour of font
The style of the titles sticks to the crime gnere convention and uses simple white typography on a black backgroung. This slick way of presenting the titles mirrors the suites and lifes of the crimminals.
Narrative enigma
The main enigma of our operning scene that will get people intrested is the reason why there running. During the whole operning we never find out the names 0of the people or why they are running. This unsureity of name and character motive is very common not only in the crime genre but in most genres of film today.
Introduction of characters
In our opperning we only had two characters. We started by only showing one of them ruuning (Nick) away from somthing befor showing the other character. This will hopfully set up an air of mystery to what the film is about, a common element used in the crime genre.
As the majority of the film was shots of a chase seen, we used alot of diffret camera angles. One of the most difficalt shots we wanted was a tracking shot, which we managed to get by sitting on a skate board. this shot can be seen in many privious films such as the running in the opering of Trainspotting and the circerling arond the table in Resivior dogs.
Editing & Sound
The film uses fast pace editing with an equally fast sound track to create an tense atmosphere. This sets the mood for the opering and lets the audience feel the fear of the main character from the get go. this sticks to the conventions of a crime film as opens with a fast pace action scene, as seen in such films as Trainspotting.
Special Effects
We didnt use and sepecial effects in the conventunial sence of the word, other than the editing, sticking to the realsitic look of privious crime films from around the world.
We had our chararctes wear suites sticking to the conventions of old and new films with the same genre. We also had our actors use prop guns, anouther well astablished and recconised genre convention.