The role of the production company is to make and produce thif film. This includes everything from the start up untill the film is made and ready to sell to the distrubution companys. The money genurally would come from diffrent sources and not all of it from british companys. Alot of money for morden british films comes from France. The film makers could also go to the UK film council untill very recently, due to it being closed because of spending cuts. The main reason for acumilating money from multibal sources is that if all the money comes from one source the person or company who paid will have too many rights to the film and will own the rights to your film and there for they can legaly come on set and make changes the film, no matter what the contract says.
After you have located the money and made your film you need to get it out there, in order to make a prophit. This is where the distribution company comes in. It is there job to advertise and sell your film to cinemas and in turn the audience. This includes adverting in Newspapers, Billbords, buses, virals and websites, posters and more recently Facebook groups. It is important to get not only the right distribution company but one you are cofetable with and can cumiunicate with, because at the end of the day, you may have the next big thing but if no one knows about it then you cant sell it to them. The only thing that a distribution company cant do is one of a films greatest selling points, word of mouth, although now days some films are paying people to give their films good reviews in newspapers, magazies and websites.
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